Monthly Archive: April, 2015

The (Not Particularly) White Cliffs of Dover

With the end of the Easter holiday fast approaching (Seriously, where has the free time gone?), it’s about time to reflect upon some of short or longer excursions that I’ve completed in the… Continue reading


月前寫過一篇短文談過英文裡容易搞錯的詞語。然而學語言是個永不止息的遊戲:英文的生字短句何其多,不懂的,再搞錯的,以為自己很了解但其實完全一竅不通,還有很多很多,以下再說另外五個。 1.Free Cash Withdrawal 英國各地的提款機上,常有寫上「Free Cash Withdrawal」的字樣。初次看到這行字的我簡直眼都大埋- 常說西方社會富有,但也不可能會周街派錢吧!那這行字的意思究竟是什麼呢?