Monthly Archive: June, 2016

The Great North Welsh Railway Journey: 5 – Llandudno

Beyond a neat, landscaped garden stands well-maintained Victorian townhouses, enhanced by the sunlight in sparkling white; ironclad verandas sit atop the main shopping street filled with fashionable cafes and restaurants as if lifted straight from a classic romantic film

北威爾斯 鐵道遊 4. Conwy城堡

在北威爾斯的保存鐵路上渡過了美滿的一日後,我再次回到海岸,到另一古城參觀。 雖是鐵道遊,因有偉大的Engineering Work「保佑」,結果只能坐巴士。殘念… 沒要緊。本篇的賣點是Conwy(康威城?)一日遊。Conwy是北威爾斯海岸線上一個被城牆環繞的寧靜古城,跟早前到過的Caernarfon一樣有座世界遺產級的城堡。同是愛德華一世入侵威爾斯後的傑作,Conwy相比下來沒有首都的奢華,卻更增一點實用性。沒有Caernarfon羅馬神話的庇佑指導,Conwy建城的理由簡單得很:那地自中世紀以來就已是兵家必爭之地,總要建座城堡保衛一下。 而且,除了三月例牌的英倫灰,Conwy看來是個宜居的地方?

The Great North Welsh Railway Journey: 4-Conwy

Having transversed Conwy valley yesterday, I arrived at its namesake walled town. Roughly midway on the road between Chester and Holyhead, Conwy (anglicised as Conway) has been an important travel outpost for Ireland since the Middles Ages, and the postcard-perfect little town is home to another World Heritage Castle.