Monthly Archive: October, 2014

Why do Asians study ‘Asian Subjects’? (2: Parents)

In the previous post, I have discussed a little bit about the career-mindedness and the importance to a big salary as reasons to why people from East Asia, or of Asian heritage tend… Continue reading

Why do Asians Study ‘Asian Subjects’? (1- Career)

‘What subject do you study?’ This is about the commonest question at the start of terms at universities throughout the country. However, when I reply ‘Politics’ I often get a slightly surprised look…… Continue reading


每個地方似乎也有一樣代表的主食:它雖然便宜而且平平無奇,但早以成為日常生活深根蒂固的一部分,讓它升華作「精神食糧」的一種,特別是出門在外時,它可是解決思鄉病的良藥。 香港既為一個各方美食齊聚的城市,要選擇一樣「代表作」有點難度(我的票投餐蛋麵)但若是在英國的話,我想只會有一個候選人:焗豆罐頭。 然而焗豆這樣極「英國」的食品,其實都係來佬貨。

Peak District 睇樓記

大學開始了,所以又是我寫遊記望梅止渴的時候了。今年整個暑假都在英國,唯一算上去旅行的,大概就是在九月時到了Peak District National Park 小休幾天,過了個很英式的假期。 在於柴郡和打比郡交界,乘着在北部大城市附近這優勢,Peak District是英國最多遊人的國家公園,在全球亦僅次於富士山之後,可見這裡受歡迎的程度。公園佔地廣闊,區區幾天實在不足以領略整個區域之美。不過我對行山這個Peak District最著名的活動興趣缺缺,便把旅程的重點放了在Country House (姑且就稱作「鄉郊府第」,是英國傳統貴族所住的,位於鄉郊的莊園,最佳例子是 Downton Abbey)之中,簡單來說就是去了睇樓。 睇完樓的感覺:實在太厲害了。不怪得貴族們都不介意住在鄉下。

Recap on Frepping

Freshers week is now largely behind us, as university students (struggle to) stop partying indefinitely and attempt to return to the library. If you are a fresher, especially one at Durham, I hope… Continue reading