Monthly Archive: July, 2016

Justin’s London: 10 Favourite Spots (2)

Hidden in the woods suburbia of Forest Hill, south London, the Horniman is a legend among middle school children: endowed to the public thanks to matrimonial quarrels but adored by immature thirteen-year-olds, this (slightly off the beaten track) museum and its adjoining park is a wonderful place to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Justin’s London: 10 Favourite Spots (1)

It was 2011 when I first ventured out of the comfortable surroundings that were my school and into the ‘brave new world’ of London. I had written, then, two posts of some of… Continue reading

再來最愛的倫敦角落 (2)


再來最愛的倫敦角落 (1)


北威爾斯・鐵道遊:終章 Llandudno 蘭迪德諾之海

英國海濱的度假點,不論南北均有個模板:就像黑池一樣,在海邊長廊上,街機和雪糕店滿佈,再加上舊式遊樂場,與其說是個好景點,不如說是個對舊世界的迷戀。然而,蘭迪德諾可謂完全不同:下車之時,眼前的是個修剪整齊的花園,兩旁排著保存良好的維多利亞大宅,牆壁在春日的映照下顯得特別的白;摩登的拱廊下,是漂亮咖啡室和餐廳(和…超市),場景活像三十年代的浪漫電影一般。小城建在一個名叫Great Orme的海角之下,在其上或可一睹愛爾蘭海的風光。