Category Archive: Asian



Just How do you Type in Chinese? Introduction to Chinese Input Methods

Therefore, unless you wished for a keyboard running for the entire length of the Great Wall of China, quite clearly the QWERTY approach won’t cut it.

Instead, Chinese speakers rely on the so-called ‘input methods’, which breaks down all Chinese characters so that they can be entered through a Latin keyboard.



Japanese Food Extravaganza!! – London Edition

I’ll now attempt to complete the Japanese experience (at least from a touristic point of view) with the sampling of Japan’s finest cuisine, London-style. Fine Dining, Sushi, Udon, Ramen!

Escape to Tokyo: Japanese Cultural Portals in London

Although I don’t have a teleporting device, I do live in the metropolis that is London. Since moving back from University, I’ve steadily accumulated some favourite locations for those who like me would like to escape to Tokyo one afternoon at a time. Monuments, gardens, shops, all things in Japan, this side of the world.

Chinese New Year is Just Like Christmas, But Better

Just like Christmas (and Thanksgiving), Chinese New Year is a major homecoming event. However, CNY is better because it is also New Year: with parades and fireworks all rolled into one giant festival.

唔食 雞脾雞翼的英國人


倫敦的小韓國-New Malden

韓流近年風髦全球,遠在地球另一端的英國亦不枉多讓。由每年九月在Southbank舉辦的韓國文化節,再到Kpop組合(還記得4Minute無端端在我家這個近郊屋群-馬鞍山之類的地方-搞了次演唱會),韓物韓事也愈發的為英國人所熟悉。 說起韓國文化,不能不提韓國料理吧?倫敦中心向來有以留學生和僑民服務為主的韓國餐廳,而近幾年來韓食不但向全國各大城市拓展,還出現了連鎖的韓式快餐店。以往我想吃韓食的話,總會貪便宜的到Tottenham Court Road地鐵站出口附近的那些,可是因為建新鐵路的關係,這以早成絕唱了。 於是我去問韓裔朋友們,倫敦韓食有什麼好去處。連問幾人的答案都是一樣。 「當然是New Malden了,大概是韓國以外最正宗的。」 有冇咁誇張?朋友見我不信,便約定我到New Malden一趟。

英國大學:How to Freshers Week (1)

對英國準大學生的新鮮人來說,其中一樣最期待,卻又暗暗害怕的是,當然就是Freshers Week了。Freshers Week大概類似O-Camp,是大學準備啟課前的一星期,兼有破冰和適應大學生活兩用途。全國各大學的節目大同小異,可是對不同的人卻有不同的意義。除非你像我一樣宿舍出身,它還是你離家獨自生活的第一星期呢。 對一些人來說,Freshers Week是「擺脫」以往十數年人生,重新開始的機會;對另一些人來說,它卻可以是在一個延續以往生活的契機。 又有說,你在Freshers Week遇上的人,在add了Facebook以後就不會再見。不過,你在大學三四年的好友室友,以至未來最好的朋友,大有可能就是這星期認識的。說Freshers Week是你人生之中最重要的星期之一實不為過。 所以,Freshers Week到底要如何應付?經過大學的三年,再加上做Frep(=Fresher’s Rep)的經驗,自問還可以給點意見:以下就是Freshers Week的幾點攻略!

Clash of Imaginations Reloaded: Hong Kong Through Google Images

We have all used Google image search. Whether we are looking for a school project or a computer wallpaper, you can access billions of images in a few clicks. What these images tell… Continue reading