Monthly Archive: July, 2015

古代Google:National Portrait Gallery

來倫敦必遊博物館,置身其中感受一下英國的人文氣息。 剛開始寫博客的時候,寫下了一堆週末遊倫敦的文章,轉眼一過就四年,大概是時候重新寫,重新整理一下吧。 為此新系列打頭炮的是National Portrait Gallery(官方中譯「國家肖像畫廊」)。顧名思義,它是個以人像畫為專題的藝術館。雖然它身處於倫敦正中心,著名的大狗廣場(Trafalgar Square)旁邊,但也許是肖像角色以英國人為主,又或者芳鄰的國家藝術館(National Gallery)蓋過風頭,肖像畫廊實在算不上是海外遊客的熱點。在維基百科搜尋這裡,發現居然只有英文的條目-不要說中文,就連法德文也沒有。 雖然不受遊客青睞,但你若在倫敦有空檔的話,不妨來參觀,來趟「古代Google之旅」。

Dayout on Impulse: Sunderland

A mixture of boredom, interest in an adventure and coincidences in bus timetables brought me to Middlesbrough a couple of weeks ago. While it was perhaps not the top-rated tourist destination on TripAdvisor, I’ve… Continue reading

Goodbye, Durham

The date was 2nd October 2012. A pretty ordinary day at first sight: cold, windy with the trademark rain that had come to characterise the English autumn. I was once again travelling on… Continue reading